Frequently Asked Questions

What do sessions consist of?

  • Personal training is ‘personal’ to each client and session is treated on a case by case basis which is why there is a FREE consultation process, so Roland can get to know you. He would never simply turn up and train you as the session is tailored to you.
  • Roland has a wide variety of equipment and will bring whatever is needed to your sessions in order to get the best results and always ensures the sessions are varied and fun.


Where does Roland travel to?

  • Roland is primarily an Edinburgh personal trainer. However, If you prefer sessions further afield there is an additional charge. You can also choose a centrally located park or your office.


How can I train at home without equipment?

  • All the equipment is brought to you. You just need some trainers and workout clothes.


How can I train at home without space?

  • We can workout in your garden, if you have one, or use a green space near you.


I am really unfit and have never worked out in my life, is this for me?

  • Roland works with complete beginners often. He will work with you at your pace.