5 Ways to Drink More Water

Working as a personal trainer in Edinburgh, my clients often quiz me about the best way to stay fit. While exercise has a whole bunch of benefits, one thing at the top of my list is staying hydrated.

Most of us don’t drink enough water and it’s easy to become dehydrated during the day. There is some dispute how much we should be drinking but the consensus is that we should all be having about 8 glasses of fluid a day. If you exercise a lot, you may well need more to make up for the amount you lose through sweat.

1. Keep a Bottle Nearby

If you’re getting some personal training today, make sure you take your bottle of water with you. In fact, if you carry a bottle around with you all day, you’ll be surprised how easy it is to get your hydration up. Think about the old adage: out of sight, out of mind. That’s quite apt for water. When we don’t have it to hand, we don’t bother. But if the bottle is within reach, it’s surprising how often we pick it up and take a sip. Carry a bottle around with you all the time and you’ll find your energy levels improving and your concentration as your hydration improves.

2. Add Some Flavour

Some people love water, others think it’s tasteless and boring. The good news is that water is easy to add flavour to. If you want something natural, squeeze in a little lemon juice. Try to avoid any flavourings that are high in sugar as these can help you pile on the pounds. Drinking flavoured teas is another great way to keep you water levels up, particularly if you like a nice hot cuppa.

3. Foods That Contain More Water

You can covertly increase your water intake by eating certain foods. All food contains some level of liquid but ones such as cucumber, melon and celery all contain more than most. If you want something nutritious and hydrating then why not make a nice soup? There are plenty of ways to boost your fluid intake by choosing the right foods.

4. Use an App and Track

As a personal trainer, I’m keen on using technology as much as possible. While fitness trackers have their detractors, the one thing they do provide is great feedback that can help motivate individual fitness. When you can see where you stand, it prompts you to do more.

Most trackers allow you to monitor your water intake but you can also download dedicated apps onto your smartphone for that specific purpose. If you have trouble maintaining your water intake, then these are great option to try.

5. Get a Filter

Buying water can be expensive, especially if you need up to 8 glasses a day. More and more people are opting to use a filter bottle with tap water. Find the one that suits and you can keep up your water intake and cut down the cost at the same time. Don’t forget, water in UK is the safest in the world and often just as good as shop bought products.

If you start personal training with me in Edinburgh, one of the first things I will talk about is keeping up those water levels. Once you get used to it, you’ll find you drink regularly with greater ease. You’ll also notice the change it makes to your energy levels and enthusiasm for the workout!