What is Fitness? 4 Reasons You Need a Personalised Programme

Fitness means a lot of different things to different people. You might think that being able to walk down the road without getting out of breath is good enough. You may believe that a toned and buff body is the bare minimum you are looking for. You could be trying to get fit for a certain challenge.

Fitness for an athlete is somewhat different from someone who wants to climb a mountain or run a marathon or play better football or cricket.

One thing I know as a personal trainer in Edinburgh is that fitness is PERSONAL.

1. Fitness and You

Contrary to popular belief, there is no one size fits all solution to your personal needs.

·             Let’s say that you want to run a marathon this year. A lot will depend on where you are starting from but your personal regime will certainly contain aspects that are designed to improve your stamina.

·             If you play tennis and want to improve your game, training might involve developing the strength of your backhand.

·             If you have been diagnosed with a health condition that better fitness will help improve then a regime that develops your aerobic capacity under carefully controlled conditions might be the best way forward.

2. Understanding Your Goals

Key to developing the level of fitness you are looking for depends on a deeper understanding of your goals and what you are willing to do to reach them. Working as a personal trainer in Edinburgh, I come across people from a wide range of backgrounds and with varying fitness levels. Getting to know them and learning what they want and how I can help them achieve that is a big ingredient of any future success. Once you know where you’re going, after all, it’s much easier to get there.

3. Getting Better Nutrition

Better fitness can be achieved purely through exercise. But if you want a higher level, or exceed your potential, you also need to look at nutrition. We’re not just looking at people who want to lose weight here. If you want to maximise performance and improve, what you put into your body and when you do it is as important as any session of circuit training or kettlebell swings.

4. Getting Fitness Support

You can, of course, organise your own exercise regime. Some people are good at this, others not so. The benefits of personal training in Edinburgh is that you get the support to keep going and continuously improve. With any exercise regime, it can be easy to slip into bad habits or get dispirited if you don’t get immediate results.

A personal trainer can help you stay on target and reach realistic goals, all the while actively encouraging you. Working with a professional also gives you the opportunity to regularly review your exercise and nutrition regime and make changes for the better.

Fitness is a personal issue. Getting the right plan in place that suits your needs is as much about common sense as it is about science. We can all benefit from being healthier and if you feel that it’s time that you got off the couch and began working those muscles and eating better, then perhaps it’s time you gave me a call.